Cash for diabetic strips

Cash for diabetic strips is a metabolic disorder that results when the body does not produce or handle insulin properly. There are two different types of diabetes. When an individual has Type 1, the pancreas is unable to make enough insulin to support the body's needs. With Type 2, the pancreas makes enough insulin, but the body does not recognize its presence. If left untreated, both situations cause excessive glucose to build up in the blood creating a dangerous situation. Controlling diabetes is possible, but it takes strong corrective measures. Here are three ways to control diabetes.
Monitor Blood Glucose Levels
Type 1 diabetics must always take insulin. There is no way to correct their situation through diet and exercise. While eating fewer carbohydrates cuts down on the amount of insulin needed to metabolize meals for both types, monitoring blood glucose is necessary to ensure that present corrective measures are working properly. This is done through the help of a blood glucose monitor and testing strips. Testing strips are available from websites who sell diabetes strips online or they can be purchased at most drug stores. For those with pre-diabetes who have reversed their condition, there are also companies who exchange cash for diabetes strips no longer needed.
Weigh and Measure Food
For those diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, losing weight can improve insulin sensitivity and blood glucose control. By losing as little as 10 pounds, diabetics can see a positive impact on their glucose levels. Most overweight individuals do not know how many calories they are eating each day. They also have trouble understanding portion sizes. The easiest way to get calories and portion sizes under control is to begin measuring and weighing food consumed at each meal. Not only will this eliminate excess calories, but less food results in fewer carbohydrates to convert into glucose.
Watch for Complications
Diabetic complications are as important as diet and monitoring blood sugar levels. While finding a retailer selling diabetes test strips and measuring daily consumption of food can help diabetics avoid complications, keeping an eye on potential problems is just as essential. One of the main places that complications tend to surface is the feet. High glucose levels can result in damaged nerves that interfere with blood flow. If left untreated, minor problems such as cuts and blisters can become infected. To avoid complications, feet should be checked daily and a physician consulted if there are any problems that do not clear up within a day or two.
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